Rocky Mountain Trucking LLC

The public’s perception of professional truckers is overwhelmingly positive, and up markedly from three years ago.

Fully 87% of respondents in a recent survey said they had a favorable impression of the trucking industry. That’s up from 67% in 2019.

That’s one of the takeaways from a new survey by Trucking Moves America Forward, the industry-wide education and image movement. TMAF announced the results of its latest national survey Tuesday. The research was commissioned by TMAF in September to measure the impact of the awareness and education campaign among American motorists since the previous survey, which was conducted in 2019.

Key findings of the polling found:

  • 87% of voters have a favorable impression of the trucking industry, which is up from 67% in 2019
  • 97% of Americans believe the trucking industry plays a “very important” role in the country’s economy, which is the same as in 2019
  • 72% rate the industry’s safety record as “excellent” or “good,” which is nearly the same as in 2019 at 70%
  • 96% of Americans stated truck drivers are essential to keeping the country’s economy moving
  • 85% consider truck drivers to be professionals
  • 78% believe truck drivers have higher standards for safety than other drivers

Respondents have generally heard people say more positive than negative things about the trucking industry, with comments like “keeping stores stocked,” “critical for the success of the country,” and “keeping the country moving” as top responses. When survey participants were asked which group of workers should be considered “essential or critical” to the country in times of crisis, trucking ranked among the top three along with grocery store workers and healthcare workers.

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“Our latest polling shows that the image of the trucking industry is stronger than ever,” said Kevin Burch, co-chairman of TMAF and Vice President of Government Affairs and Sales at MTS. “The public perception of the trucking is at an all-time high with our poll finding that the majority of Americans – 87% of voters – have a favorable impression of trucking, which is the highest public opinion has been since TMAF began tracking industry views in 2014. More and more Americans continue to realize the essential role that trucking plays in the nation’s economy and in all of our lives, thanks to industry-wide education efforts. TMAF will continue our mission to tell the positive story of trucking to shift public perception even higher.”

To view the full results and how they compare with previous surveys, click here.

Public Opinion Strategies completed the survey of 1,000 registered voters nationally. Respondents were contacted online. The survey was conducted Sept. 7-14, 2022, and has a margin of error of +3.53%.