Rocky Mountain Trucking LLC

An Oklahoma trucker is being recognized for aiding his trainer when he had an allergic reaction.

The Truckload Carriers Association recently named truck driver Eric Weed, from Oklahoma City Highway Angel for coming to the aid of his trainer, Scott, who was having a severe allergic reaction to coconut while the two were on a training trip. Weed drives for Melton Truck Lines in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  

TCA explains:

In October, Weed was training with Scott, from Melton Truck Lines. While at a restaurant in Orlando, Florida, Scott somehow ingested coconut, to which he is severely allergic.  

Truck driverEric Weed“He just starts sweating bad and starts turning purple and blue,” Weed said. “He started shaking and said, ‘I think I was exposed to coconut.’” 

Scott usually carries an Epi-pen to counteract allergic reactions, but he had left it in his backpack in his hotel room. Weed rushed to order a rideshare service to get them back to the hotel, as Scott became progressively more ill. 

“He was still sweating like crazy — I was ready to call 911,” Weed said, but Scott insisted he would be OK once they got the Epi-Pen. 

Upon reaching the hotel, Weed made a mad dash for Scott’s hotel room and quickly retrieved the Epi-Pen. After getting the shot from the allergy-counteracting pen, Scott seemed to get better. 

“I got him some water and hung out and watched him for two hours until he was good,” Weed said. “I’m glad I was there and glad it all worked out.”  

Scott made a full recovery, and the two men were able to complete training. However, Scott believes Weed’s quick response helped save him from a more severe or life-threatening situation.  

Since the program’s inception in August 1997, nearly 1,300 professional truck drivers have been recognized as Highway Angels for exemplary kindness, courtesy, and courage displayed while on the job. Thanks to the program’s presenting sponsor, EpicVue, and supporting sponsor, DriverFacts, TCA is able to showcase outstanding drivers like Weed.