Rocky Mountain Trucking LLC

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to become more physically fit while driving over-the-road, then a webinar in January might just help you be successful.  

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance on Jan. 18 presents a webinar on exercise as part of its North American Fatigue Management Program series for drivers. You can register online for the free webinar, which begins at 1 p.m. Eastern.

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In announcing the webinar, CVSA said, “Professional drivers have very limited opportunities to exercise. Learn why exercise is necessary to maintain drivers’ state of alertness, what types of exercise may benefit drivers the most, and how/when to exercise while on the road.”

The featured speaker is Dr. Mark Manera, founder, and chief executive officer of Supply Chain Fitness.

Manera is a board-certified physical therapist and as such saw firsthand what a lifetime of trucking can do to a person’s body. From that experience, he was inspired to start Supply Chain Fitness, with the mission to make the trucking industry a healthier place. SCF’s team of registered dietitians, certified personal trainers and health coaches provides trucking and logistics organizations a competitive advantage in retention and risk mitigation through exercise, nutrition, and accountability coaching.