Rocky Mountain Trucking LLC

Dallas-based Stevens Transport recently announced its drivers of the year for 2022.

They include: 

  • Company Driver of the Year – John Douglas
  • Runner-Up Company Driver of the Year – Joseph White
  • Independent Contractor Driver of the Year – Richard Hackl
  • Runner-Up Independent Contractor Driver of the Year – James Townsend
  • Company Trainer of the Year – Edward Boechler
  • Runner-Up Company Trainer of the Year – Dean Vogan
  • Independent Contractor Trainer of the Year – Gerald Rhoden
  • Runner-Up Contractor Trainer of the Year – Kevin Collins
  • New Driver of the Year – Hector Molina
  • Runner-Up New Driver of the Year – Daniel Foster
  • Owner Operator of the Year – Douglas Barriger
  • Runner-Up Owner Operator of the Year – Trung Nguyen
  • Team of the Year – Tobey Spears and Brent Collins
  • Runner-Up Team of the Year – Jim and Ann Lewis
  • Dedicated Driver of the Year – Solaman Chrisostom
  • Runner-Up Dedicated Driver of the Year – Justin Higgs

Stevens Transport has some 2,566 drivers.